
Fallout shelter nuka cola hack android
Fallout shelter nuka cola hack android

  • Just after sending them, completely close the game (make sure it's not still running in the background).
  • They won't be out there for more than around 10 minutes or so, meaning you needn't worry about equipment, stims, or rads.
  • At 1 to 3 minutes before his most recent loot acquisition (1:40, if you're following the example), send 3 to 5 random dwellers into the wasteland.
  • Once that time transpires, check your Wastelander's log to note the time when your dweller last received a loot item (for example, 1:43).
  • Send out a single dweller who has been trained well and is equipped to deal with the wasteland.
  • fallout shelter nuka cola hack android fallout shelter nuka cola hack android

    You can easily obtain some truly epic loot by carefully following the steps indicated below, though note that it seems to work on only around every 1 out of every 3 attempts.

    Fallout shelter nuka cola hack android